Arduino - 74HC595 4 位 7 段显示器

news/2024/7/8 2:02:28 标签: Arduino, 数码管

Arduino__74HC595_4__7__0">Arduino - 74HC595 4 位 7 段显示器

Arduino - 74HC595 4-Digit 7-Segment Display)

A standard 4-digit 7-segment display is needed for clock, timer and counter projects, but it usually requires 12 connections. The 74HC595 module makes it easier by only requiring 5 connections: 2 for power and 3 for controlling the segments.
时钟、定时器和计数器项目需要标准的 4 位 7 段显示器,但通常需要 12 个连接。74HC595 模块只需 5 个连接即可实现更简单的操作:2 个用于电源,3 个用于控制段。

This tutorial will not overload you by deep driving into hardware. Instead, We will learn how to connect the 4-digit 7-segment display to Arduino, how to program it do display what we want.
本教程不会通过深入硬件来使您超载。相反,我们将学习如何将 4 位 7 段显示器连接到 Arduino,如何对其进行编程以显示我们想要的内容。

<a class=Arduino 74HC595 4-digit 7-segment display" />

This tutorial are going to use the 4-dot 4-digit 7-segment display module that is able to displayed the float values. If you want to display a colon separator, please use the TM1637 4-digit 7-segment Display Module
本教程将使用 4 点 4 位 7 段显示模块,该模块能够显示浮点值。如果要显示冒号分隔符,请使用 TM1637 4 位 7 段显示模块

About 74HC595 4-digit 7-segment Display 关于74HC595 4位7段显示器

A 74HC595 4-digit 7-segment display module typically consists of 4 7-segment LEDs, 4 dot-shaped LEDs, and a 74HC595 driver for each digit: It is ideal for displaying the temperature or any decimal value.
74HC595 4 位 7 段显示模块通常由 4 个 7 段 LED、4 个点形 LED 和每个数字的 74HC595 驱动器组成:它非常适合显示温度或任何十进制值。

Pinout 引脚排列

The 74HC595 4-digit 7-segment display module includes 5 pins:
74HC595 4 位 7 段显示模块包括 5 个引脚:

  • SCLK pin: is a clock input pin. Connect to any digital pin on Arduino.
  • RCLK pin: is a clock input pin. Connect to any digital pin on Arduino.
  • DIO pin: is a Data I/O pin. Connect to any digital pin on Arduino.
    DIO 引脚:是数据 I/O 引脚。连接到Arduino上的任何数字引脚。
  • VCC pin: supplies power to the module. Connect it to the 3.3V to 5V power supply.
    VCC引脚:为模块供电。将其连接到 3.3V 至 5V 电源。
  • GND pin: is a ground pin.
    GND 引脚:是接地引脚。

74HC595 module pinout

Wiring Diagram 接线图

The table below shown the wiring between Arduino pins and a 74HC595 4-digit 7-segment display pins:
下表显示了Arduino引脚和74HC595 4位7段显示引脚之间的接线:

Arduino Arduino74HC595 7-segment display 74HC595 7段显示器

The pin numbers in the code should be changed if different pins are used.

<a class=Arduino 74HC595 Module Wiring Diagram" />

This image is created using Fritzing. Click to enlarge image
此图像是使用 Fritzing 创建的。点击放大图片

Library Installation 库安装

To program easily for 74HC595 4-digit 7-segment Display, we need to install DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595 library by Follow the below steps to install the library:
为了轻松编程 74HC595 4 位 7 段显示器,我们需要按 安装DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595库。按照以下步骤安装库:

  • Navigate to the Libraries icon on the left bar of the Arduino IDE.
    导航到 Arduino IDE 左侧栏上的 Libraries 图标。
  • Search “DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595”, then find the DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595 library by
    搜索“DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595”,然后按 找到DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595库
  • Click Install button. 单击“安装”按钮。

<a class=Arduino 74HC595 4-digit 7-segment display library" />

Arduino_Arduino74HC595_47_75">How To Program For 74HC595 4-digit 7-segment using Arduino 如何使用Arduino对74HC595 4位7段进行编程

  • Include the library 包括库
#include <**DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595**.h>
  • Define Arduino’s pins that connects to SCLK, RCLK and DIO of the display module. For example, pin D7, D6 and D5
#define SCLK  7  // The Arduino pin connected to SCLK
#define RCLK  6  // The Arduino pin connected to RCLK
#define DIO   5  // The Arduino pin connected to DIO
  • Create a display object of type DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595
    创建 DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595 类型的显示对象

  • Then you can display the integer numbers with the zero-padding option, supporting the negative number:
display.printInt(-13, false); // you can display a value from -999 to 9999
  • You can display the float numbers with the decimal place, zero-padding options, supporting the negative number:
display.printFloat(-9.2,  1, false);

  • You can also display number, decimal point, character digit-by-digit by using lower-level functions:
// display 9.3°C
display.setNumber(1, 9);              // set 9 at the 1st digit
display.setDot(1);                    // set . at the 1st digit
display.setNumber(2, 3);              // set 3 at the 2nd digit
display.setChar(3, SegChars::DEGREE); // set ° at the 3rd digit
display.setChar(4, SegChars::C);      // set C at the 3rd digit;                       // show on the display

  • Because the 74HC595 4-digit 7-segment module uses the multiplexing technique to control individual segments and LEDs, Arduino code MUST:
    由于 74HC595 4 位 7 段模块使用多路复用技术来控制各个段和 LED,因此 Arduino 代码必须:
    • Call function in the main loop
      在主循环中调用 函数
    • Not use delay() function in the main loop
      在主循环中不使用 delay() 函数
  • You can see more detail in the the library reference

Arduino_Code__Display_Integer_Arduino____141">Arduino Code - Display Integer Arduino 代码 - 显示整数

   Created by DIYables

   This example code is in the public domain

   Product page:

#include <DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595.h> // DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595 library

#define SCLK  7  // The Arduino pin connected to SCLK
#define RCLK  6  // The Arduino pin connected to RCLK
#define DIO   5  // The Arduino pin connected to DIO

DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595 display(SCLK, RCLK, DIO);

void setup() {

  display.printInt(-13, false); // you can display a value from -999 to 9999
  //display.printInt(-132, false);
  //display.printInt(9132, false);
  //display.printInt(132, false);
  //display.printInt(32, false);
  //display.printInt(2, false);
  //display.printInt(2, true);

void loop() {
  display.loop(); // MUST call the display.loop() function in loop()

  // NOTE: do NOT use the delay() function in loop because it affects to the multiplexing
Quick Steps 快速步骤
  • Copy the above code and open with Arduino IDE
    复制上面的代码并使用Arduino IDE打开
  • Click Upload button on Arduino IDE to upload code to Arduino
    单击Arduino IDE上的“上传”按钮,将代码上传到Arduino
  • See the states of the 7-segment display
    查看 7 段显示器的状态

Arduino____189">Arduino 代码 - 显示浮点数

   Created by DIYables

   This example code is in the public domain

   Product page:

#include <DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595.h> // DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595 library

#define SCLK  7  // The Arduino pin connected to SCLK
#define RCLK  6  // The Arduino pin connected to RCLK
#define DIO   5  // The Arduino pin connected to DIO

DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595 display(SCLK, RCLK, DIO);

void setup() {
  display.printFloat(-9.2,  1, false);
  //display.printFloat(-92.4, 1, false);
  //display.printFloat(-9.24, 2, false);
  //display.printFloat(192.4, 1, false);
  //display.printFloat(19.24, 2, false);
  //display.printFloat(1.924, 3, false);

void loop() {
  display.loop(); // MUST call the display.loop() function in loop()

  // NOTE: do NOT use the delay() function in loop because it affects to the multiplexing

Arduino_Code__Display_Temperature_Arduino___230">Arduino Code - Display Temperature Arduino代码 - 显示温度

   Created by DIYables

   This example code is in the public domain

   Product page:

#include <DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595.h> // DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595 library

#define SCLK  7  // The Arduino pin connected to SCLK
#define RCLK  6  // The Arduino pin connected to RCLK
#define DIO   5  // The Arduino pin connected to DIO

DIYables_4Digit7Segment_74HC595 display(SCLK, RCLK, DIO);

void setup() {

  // display 9.3°C by controlling digit by digit
  display.setNumber(1, 9);              // set 9 at the 1st digit
  display.setDot(1);                    // set . at the 1st digit
  display.setNumber(2, 3);              // set 3 at the 2nd digit
  display.setChar(3, SegChars::DEGREE); // set ° at the 3rd digit
  display.setChar(4, SegChars::C);      // set C at the 3rd digit;                       // show on the display

void loop() {
  display.loop(); // MUST call the display.loop() function in loop()

  // NOTE: do NOT use the delay() function in loop because it affects to the multiplexing

The result is as the below image:

<a class=Arduino 74HC595 module displays temperature" />



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